Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel

The novel I am reading is titled, The Magician: Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel. This novel was written by the infamous Michael Scott. Michael began writing in 1982 and mad his first book titled "Irish Folk & Fairy Tales" and has written only a number of books since then.
His latest book that I have been reading is only the second in its series, I have read it numerous times. The story so far into this series goes on from when two teenagers "Josh & Sophie"

discover that they somehow get in the middle of a very long and aged battle between Nicholas Flame & Dr. John Dee which takes place mostly in France.

What has happened is that Nicholas Flamel is thousands of years old and the reason for this is on his travels in France he came upon a book merchant who gave him a mysterious book which is now known as The Codex.

The Codex is a book that was created by an ancient wizard who could predict many things within the future. This wizard foretold of a prophecy of chaos and destruction within the world as The Codex fell into the clutches of Dr. John Dee.

The Codex is apparently what had continued the "Humani" race as apposed to the humans being eaten or used as pets for a race known as The Ancients. Not all ancients had the same views on the humani which started debates within their culture, these debates eventually lead into a divide in the ancients which lead through many things such as a group know as The Dark Ancients.

In the story Josh is battling a giant lizard known as The Niddhogg a.k.a Devourer Of Souls.

The Niddhogg has captured an ancient warrior known as Scathacht who was protecting Nicholas, Josh, and Sophie from Dr. John Dee. Dee had summond the "Disir" who owns the Niddhogg and who also have an ultimate vendetta with Scathatch, who is also helping Nicholas protect the Codex from Dee, and is only seeking revenge for their fallen sisters. nicholas being the immortal that he has become has accuired some rare items and weapons in his life has stored away a special weapon known as Clarent. Clarent The Sword Of Fire is one of many swords forged from the same stone of elements but no one knows any of its sister swords but the very famous yet very dangerous sister sword Excalibur the Sword Of Ice. Josh has chased the Niddhogg with Clarent by his side damaging the creature numerous times inflicting deep wounds and with the element of flame forged into the stone sword has dried out the inside of the creature. In a panic the creatures searches for water to replenish its health but is slowed by the mid-morning traffic in paris.

While Josh is chasing the Niddhogg he is being persued also by a Disir but just as the Disir is going to be upon him, at my surprise Dr. John Dee had created a wall of fire between him and the disir to protect Josh from any further harm.

This is where I have left off in my book and I can not wait to continue this story.

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